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Not AvailableN/A
I am intuitive.
To connect with your situation and emotions I need you to talk to me.
I specialized in Marseille's Tarot, Egyptian Tarot and the Rider's Waite Tarot.
I can help you with emotional issues, feelings, relationships, family matters, friendship, career, finances, reconciliations and the spiritual guidance...
I would love to help you but I need trustworthy information such as NAME + date of birth or zodiac sign and tell me about your situation.
That's how I can really help you
I can help you with:
• Relationships: compatibility reading, twin flame reading, breakups, infidelities...
• Career: finding a job, salary raise, promotion, work issues....
• Finances: sales volume, domestic economy...
• Spiritual guidance: akashic records, reiki, spirits guides messages...
• Family: family matters, reconciliations...
I would love to help you, but I am sorry to inform you that questions related to:
• Legal-related issues, pregnancy, health-related issues, death, bets, investments...
• Titles & Training???
?? Professional Tarot in:
✅ Lemat School (Barcelona)
✅ Marilo Casals (Barcelona)
✅ IMEX (High School Mexican of parapsychology)
✋? Palmistry Professional (Marilo Casals - Barcelona)
?? Usui Tibetan Reiki Level 2
? Professional Astrologer
? Bach Flower Therapist
☯️ Energy and Chakra Balancing
? Akasha Reader - Prana School
To get a proper answer to your questions it is important that you are also honest.
Remember that the Masters and Spirit Guides who will answer will tell you what you need to know, and if their answer is YES or NOT
because they will teach you an important lesson.
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If you can hear your own voice, then your microphone is configured for voice call correctly.
If you can see yourself and hear your own voice, then your camera and microphone are configured for video call correctly.