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Raiden, TV Psychic Medium & Love Expert

Raiden, TV Psychic Medium & Love Expert

12,248 sessions since 2021




Reading Categories

Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Financial Outlook
Skills and methods

A well-known natural-born psychic medium and energy practitioner with extraordinary abilities. able to communicate with the spirit realm and read auras. clairgustant, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairempathetic. offering advice on life's journey and destiny, as well as insights on love, relationships, and issues related to breakups. using remote watching to give readers an all-encompassing reading experience.

My approach

As a gifted psychic medium, I can communicate with the spirit realm directly by tapping into your aura (energy). I take a direct and sympathetic strategy in an effort to get to the core of the issue. I give life coaching services in addition to spiritual counseling to assist you in resolving issues and coming to wise decisions. I use my sharp intuition and energetic talents to provide healing and guidance from the spirit world, whether you're looking for job advice or exploring new business opportunities.


Specializing in love and relationships, including break ups, divorce, and LGBTQ issues, as well as life coaching. I'm also a medium, connecting with the departed to provide guidance on your life path and any questions you may have. I access your energy and aura with the help of spirit to bring clarity and direction to any aspect of your life where you need assistance.

My background

At the age of just 12 years old, I had become aware of my unique abilities, which I inherited from my grandmother, a gifted reader for police cases. My abilities were sparked by a family event, and I quickly started making accurate predictions in class. I can sense, see, and hear energy because I'm a medium. Many A-list celebrities, including movie stars, Oscar nominees, celebrity chefs, globe athletes, African stars, and even globally renowned business writers, coaches, leaders, and politicians, have sought out my services. Furthermore, tech firms contact me for private strategy readings. Since each individual has a special story that must be preserved and respected, it provides me with immense joy to assist others in developing and achieving.

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