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421 sessions since 2013




Reading Categories

Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Christian Readings
Financial Outlook
Pet Psychics
Skills and methods

I invite you to a personal, intimate psychic chat session with me. I rely only on my intuition / clairsentience to read for you; I do not employ any sort of divination tool. I am also capable of tuning into the angelic realm and I occasionally channel them in my readings, especially when the client asks for spiritual guidance or solutions to their pressing problems.

My approach

I rely only on my intuition / clairsentience to read for you; I do not employ any sort of divination tool. I am also capable of tuning into the angelic realm and I occasionally channel them in my readings.


1) Do you use tarot cards, tea leaves or any other divination tools? No I don’t. I rely on pure intuition and my angels and spirit guides, which I believe is faster, purer and more unadulterated information. 2) How accurate are you? As attested by reviews (which are all available for reading to anyone who visits my page here), my error margin is really narrow, which also bears testimony to my accuracy. However, free will does come into play and can, at times, drastically alter our destined courses.

My background

I have been working here from the beginning onward. I have been giving reading for many years. Some of my beloved clients have been coming to me regularly for long relaxed chat sessions for about the same time too!

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