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Vedic Astrology how things will unfold in 2025 I am intrested in your opinion let's unfold from past lives to present and coming future with ancient wisdom in new era . It's now time to give better alignment to life with spiritualy and inner enlightnment .
HORARY Prashna
PREPARING HORARY ONCE QUESTION ASKED explained with its meaning and predictions in simple and staight way without sugar coat
Energy channeling
DIRECT ANSWERS BASED ON INTUITION ON GOOD OR BAD .In my opinion when a person is suffering with karmic life so there is way to eliminate karmic disturbance .My client got benefited in there most life matters due to timely manner .I don't give any guarantee in my reading as only God or Froud can do so .sometimes my experience from past my clients come in shattered way and leave with a clear prospective in their way .
NON JUDGMEANTAL USE Vedic Astrology connecting to natal chart and Transit to give Exact time frames.
Energy readings . negative or positive energy ? energy cannot be created nor destroyed . it can transform in new state .
Love Relationships Redings And compabilty .
Reunions in relationships. Career and stable gowth in life because some times with planetary influence it's the luck .
All with the grace of Divine i am giving readings . i am intutive and use my intuition with Astrology , and guidance of my angel spirit guides .I perform my readings to seeker with compassion and respect dignity of seeker with values .i am direct and use no sugar coat . i am non judgmental and perform reading based on seeker actual problem every thing which is happening now is for better but life is with sorrows and joy sometimes life want to give more with a lession which is good . i am on path of my spiritual journey from last 21 years and still counitinuing .
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