Not AvailableN/A
* Tarot Readings
*Psychic Readings
* Medium and Angel Channeling
* Hybrid Readings
* Oracle Cards
* Remote viewing
* Pet communication and Pet whispering
* Dream interpretation
I’m a Psychic Medium and Healer. I do a combination of Angels Channeling and Psychic Tarot readings, also working without tools. I can do distant healing for you and your connection. Love and career expert, all subjects and questions. Remote viewing
I can use cards, pendulum, psychometric insights, remote viewing, DREAM and vision interpretation, angels’ intervention reading, guides and direct channelling. In fact, most of the times is a mixture of these last methods that I use to get to the answers you are seeking. With me you won’t find any comforting lies or telling you just what you want to hear, but the truth and the positive affirmation that I am encouraged to transfer to you, to help you in yo
Music therapy, Photography. Music teacher and natural Healer since birth, 4th generation psychic. Born Medium.
I've bern psychic medium since birth. Worked as a psychic for 30 years and online for 20.
I have studied with Lisa illiams, psychic and Medium, Rudy Hunter, distant healer, both of acclaimed fame. Also took courses with many other spiritual Master Guides of our times, and their input and Angelic guidance has helped shape who I am now as a person and Reader and perfecting my gift for all of you, I have integrated in the modern online world.
"Master in Hypnosis, Psychology. Studies in Emotional Freedom Technique, Music Therapy, Theta and distant Healing, ASH healing, INTUITIVE LIFE COACHING, Metaphysical studies, Kundalini Yoga, Healing and Reading with your Angels, Master Guide for beginner psychics, and a lot more!
Having inherited my gifts as a young child, I have been a psychic seer all my life. I have been providing psychic readings professionally for over two decades, and 14 years online. Allow me to help you find what you seek and you won’t be disappointed.
Hello to all the visitors, let me introduce myself. My name is Pat, known internationally on the network as Pat, Angels Messenger. I have had 35 years of experience as a Psychic Medium, and 17 reading as well online. I can read bilingually in both English and Spanish and I can also work via distance
Energetic, spiritual, emotional and even physical healings have taken place with the help of my gift and my learnings in the metaphysical field, both as a reader and Healer. You are welcome to read and browse through my website, getting to know me and what I can do for you. I have helped thousands of satisfied clients worldwide. Here are some of the ratings received:
Member: User_9841106
Pat is purely original and phenomenal!! I lost almost $5,000.00 in my home and she politely listened to my concerns. Within seconds Pat said I put the money in my bathroom on top of a brush because I became distracted. UNBELIEVABLE! The money was in the bathroom as she said and I had looked for almost two weeks for this money and she solved my sadness in seconds. Pat is truly a KEEPER... &am&&
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