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Bree Madison

Bree Madison





325 sessions

+ 50% OFF
for your first session!










My Services

My Services

Skills and methods

Bree Madison is a psychic, witch, medium, spell caster. My services range from telling you what he/she is thinking to ghost removal.

Non-Judgemental. I channel your Spirit Guides. You hear what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

SALE!- Get in now while the price is low!

My approach

My approach is that I shall never lie to you. Only come to me if you are seeking the truth. I work with your Spirit Guides as a channel. The information is often times straight-forward, at times sarcastic, at times they can be humourous as well.

See You On The Other Side!


Love and Relationships, Career, Telling you what others are thinking about you!

My background

Pagan witch psychic for over 20 years. Past- Chemical Dependency Counselor.

I use telepathy, remote viewing, Clair-audience, Clairvoyance. I may receive message that have nothing to do with the question, and I try my best to give those messages as well.

See you on the other side!


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