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17,877 sessions since 2018




Reading Categories

Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Feng Shui
Pet Psychics
Financial Outlook
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Astrology ReadingsAstrology Readings
Astrology Readings
Chinese Astrologers
Skills and methods

I am a caring Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient & Empathic Psychic, I use several methods of reading to help you. By using a combination of these methods I can ultimately read any situation, regardless of the area. Whether you have a question about Love, Relationship, Career, Finances, or any other question, I feel confident I can provide you with an answer.

My approach

I see past, present, future and deal with past lives, people who have crossed over, missing people, love, spirituality, relationships, career, health, investments and other questions that you may have. I also make predictions. I believe in God, honesty and integrity! I would never say that I’m 100% accurate or perfect! No one is perfect! However, most information that I see is true, accurate and happens! Unlike, most psychics or readers, I believe in telling you the truth, you may NOT like everything that I’m saying. Just know that I’m being honest with you! Being lied to or manipulated is NOT helpful to you.


 I have been reading tarot cards for over 15 years, since I was eleven. From that time I have learned much about psychic abilities and how they work. Everyone of course has a different psychic ability. My abilities falls under intuition. I am empathic and highly sensitive to what you are dealing with. Being a molecular biology major I am fascinated with things involving energy and what we cannot see with our naked eyes. I also understand through our brain waves how we are able to communicate.

My background

Attended Many psychic classes.Fifteen years experience with online Readings

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